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Publication Orders

Are you looking for copies of FCA’s Publications (fact sheets, tip sheets or reports)?
You have two options:

  1. Visit the fact sheet, tip sheet, or report web page and click “Printer-friendly version.” For example, go to Caregiving 101: On Being a Caregiver. (The “Printer-friendly version” link is in the left column.)
  2. FCA can print copies of the “Printer-friendly versions” and mail them to you. The cost for fact and tip sheets is $3 per copy (shipping is included). FCA can provide only the “Printer-friendly version” of fact and tip sheets.

Send an email to lsheridan@caregiver.org. For each publication you request, include the following:

  • Title: (e.g., Caregiving 101: On Being a Caregiver)
  • Web page address (URL): (e.g., https://www.caregiver.org/caregiving-101-being-caregiver)
  • Quantity: (e.g., 1) 

Total your order and mail a check (or money order) payable to:

Attn: Lana Sheridan
Family Caregiver Alliance
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 930
San Francisco, CA 94104

Your order will be completed upon receipt of payment.

PLEASE NOTE: Formatted publications are no longer available for purchase.

Thank you!