Infographic: 5 Self-Care Validations for Family Caregivers
August 1, 2022
Caring for yourself is one of the most important—and often most neglected—things you can do as a family caregiver. In fact, family caregivers face a higher risk of depression, chronic illness, and poor quality of life.
At Family Caregiver Alliance, we know it’s challenging to take time for yourself. We also know when you put self-care first, the people you care for benefit as well.
Our newest infographic, “5 Self-Care Validations for Family Caregivers” reminds family caregivers to:
- Acknowledge your role isn’t easy
- Ask for help when you need it
- Put self-care on your priority list
- And more.
Our “5 Self-Care Validations for Family Caregivers” infographic is based on our popular fact sheet on the topic. It’s perfect for printing out and hanging on the fridge, sharing online, or sending to family caregivers who might need a reminder to put their own well-being first!
A new infographic every week
“5 Self-Care Tips for Family Caregivers” is part of a series of ten all-new infographics, each featuring bite-sized tips and helpful ideas on a variety of subjects related to family caregiving and working successfully with people with dementia.
In the coming weeks, we’ll highlight a new infographic every week.
Help us help family caregivers—share the love
All infographics—along with every resource on our website, are free to caregivers and providers everywhere.
When you share these with fellow family caregivers, you help us reach more people who may benefit from the support FCA provides. So, help us share the love!