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Staying Well Together (COVID-19 Webinar Series for Caregivers, Consumers, and Families)

These are challenging times for all of us and this is especially true for those caring for someone who needs functional or cognitive support. This webinar will review the basics of the coronavirus (COVID-19), how to take precautions against its spread, how to be well while sheltering in place, and how to adjust to caregiving responsibilities during this time. The end of the webinar will focus on ways to feel connected and supported despite having to observe physical distancing.

This webinar is presented by:

Anna H. Chodos, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics, UCSF

Ria I. Mercado, RN. MSN. PHN 
Quality Management Services Director, San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services

Infection Control presentation slides:

Infection Control during COVID-19 (English)

新冠肺炎病毒的預防感染 (Traditional Chinese)

Control de la infección durante COVID (Spanish)

Контроль распространения инфекции во время заболевания COVID (Russian)

Pagkokontrol ng Impeksyon habang may COVID (Tagalog)

Kiểm soát lây nhiễm bệnh trong đại dịch COVID (Vietnamese)



Co-sponsored by the San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services