Page 2 - Gilbert Awards 6-Year Scrapbook
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About the Award Sponsors

The Rosalinde and Arthur 

Gilbert Foundation

he mission of he Rosalinde and Arthur Established in 1977, Family Caregiver 

Gilbert Foundation is to invest in programs Alliance (FCA) supports and assists 

that promote education, tolerance, social caregivers through information, educa- 

services, healthcare and the arts. he Foun- tion, services, research and advocacy. 

dation builds on the ideals and pursuits of Uniting research, policy and practice, 

its founders, Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert. and serving a diverse constituency, FCA

In addition, he Foundation funds arts programs support and sustain 

education and culture in Los
the important work of fami-

lies and friends caring for Angeles, Jewish 

loved ones with chronic, programs in

disabling health condi-
Los Angeles,

and universities

in California. In

he National Center the area of 

on Caregiving (NCC),
Alzheimer’s dis-

established at FCA ease, he Rosa-

in 2001, works to
linde and Arthur 

advance the develop- Gilbert Foundation 

ment of high quality,
focuses its grant- 

cost-efective poli- making on the ad- 

cies and programs vancement of research 

for caregivers in
by junior investigators 

every state of the country. he in the United States 

NCC has organized the Caregiving
and Israel and invest- 

Legacy Awards Program since 2008. For ments in Alzheimer’s disease care-

more information visit them online at: giving.
For more information, visit their website 



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