Page 10 - Gilbert Awards 6-Year Scrapbook
P. 10

2008 Winner, Policy & Advocacy:

Labor Project for Working Families - Berkeley, CA

Labor Project is a national non-profit that builds alliances between unions, advocacy and community 

groups to advance and implement family-friendly workplace policies. A founding member of the Work 
and Family Strategy Council, they offer assistance on organizing, bargaining, and advocating for family 

leave, paid sick days and worker-controlled flexibility. The Labor Project for Working Families works with 

advocacy groups and thought leaders on long-term sustainable policies to build the 21st century Ameri- 

can workplace. Website:


California Work and 

Family Coalition

The program chaired and coordinated 

a pioneering statewide labor-communi- 

ty coalition, and in 2002, led the coali- 

tion’s efforts to successfully pass the 
California Paid Family Leave law–the 

first legislation of its kind in the nation. 

Those behind the Labor Project’s efforts 

understand that workers need time off 

to care for themselves and loved ones. 
The law provides partial wage replace- 

ment to eligible workers on leave to 

care for a family member with a serious

health condition such as Alzheim- 

er’s disease, to bond with a new

child, or to address their own seri- 
ous health conditions.

“We are so honored to get the Gilbert Award for our work on paid family leave in California. The award 

helped to highlight and publicize the Paid Family Leave program which is so important for California 

caregivers. And it acknolwedges the critical work being done to advocate for better public policies for 

family caregivers. - Netsy Firestein, Executive Director, Labor Project for Working Families


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